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Biden Is So Incompetent He Spits In The Face Of Americans & He Doesn’t Even Realize It

Last thing Joe Biden should be doing is laughing about the economic situation in America because it’s not funny.

A new ABC News poll shows that Americans are ready for the Republicans to take power.

The poll found that Americans trust the Republican party on domestic issues.

From ABC News:

Americans trust the Republican Party over the Democrats to handle inflation, by 19% points; the economy more generally, by 14 points; and crime, by a dozen points. Trust in the Republicans to handle crime is its highest (by a single point) in ABC/Post results back 32 years; trust on the economy, just slightly off its high two months ago.

Moreover, with inflation its highest in 40 years, Biden’s rating for handling inflation is dramatically bad in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates: 68% of Americans disapprove. Fewer but still 57% disapprove of his work on the economy more broadly.

As Americans pay at least $4 a gallon for fuel and food prices soar Biden thought it was funny.

Joe Biden has caused record-setting inflation and he thinks it’s funny.

What’s even more infuriating is that Biden was warned in April 2021 about inflation and he ignored it.

During a segment on Meet the Press NYT’s writers revealed advisers told Biden to “take this stuff seriously” and he didn’t.

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