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Biden’s ’81 Million’ Voters Send The President Spinning – Large Majority Tell Joe He Shouldn’t Run For Re-Election

Defying all odds (and common sense) a “president” with a ~30% approval rating says he’s running again.

On several occasions, Biden has affirmed he was going to run for a second term in 2024. This, even though he is responsible for many crises, including runaway inflation.

Now, a new poll is giving Joe the bad news. A large majority wants him out.

From Rasmussen Reports:

A majority of voters think President Joe Biden shouldn’t seek reelection in 2024, and he would lose a rematch with former President Donald Trump by double-digit margins.

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute finds that 61% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Biden should not run for a second term as president in 2024…

If the next presidential election were held today, and Biden were running against Trump, 50% would vote for Trump while 36% would vote for Biden.

Ouch, this is embarrassing. According to a new Rasmussen poll, 61% of voters don’t think Biden should run in 2024. Only a small 28% think he should try for a second term.

On top of that, the poll found that 50% of voters would go for Trump (if he ran in 2024) and only 36% would vote for Joe Biden.

Those are terrible numbers for Sleepy Joe, no matter how you slice them.

How in the world did he get 81 million votes when barely a quarter of voters want him to run again?

Joe Biden’s approval has been in the gutter since August of 2021. His administration has done seemingly little to remedy his popularity.

Instead, he seems to follow up bad, unliked decisions, with decisions that are even worse.

Like after losing Afghanistan, he announced his infamous mandates. Or after failing in Ukraine, he announced a war on the Second Amendment and his “Disinformation” board.

It doesn’t seem that Biden even wants to be president. Whenever he speaks, he looks tired, annoyed, and disinterested.

Many fear he is suffering from dementia or some other form of cognitive decline. But the left does appear to have any viable replacements (what, with Kamala suffering lower approval than Joe).

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