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Hours After Donald Trump Dominates The Primaries – RINO Romney Forced To Admit Donald Can Clinch ’24 Nomination

Democrats and RINOs alike are quaking over Trump’s success in this week’s primary results.

All of Trump’s endorsed candidates won in Ohio and Indiana Republican races. This smashes the left’s claim that aligning with Trump will guarantee a loss.

Now, a fair-weathered Republican is speaking out. And he’s saying what everyone already knows.

From Just the News:

Utah GOP Sen. Mitt Romney on Wednesday spoke about the dominance over the Republican Party former President Donald Trump continues to enjoy.

“It’s hard to imagine anything that would derail his support,” Romney, a Trump critic, said Wednesday, the day after nearly two dozen Trump-backed candidates won in GOP primaries. “So if he wants to become the nominee in ’24, I think he’s very likely to achieve that,” Romney told Politico.

A number of GOP lawmakers agreed with Romney’s position, including Trump supporter Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan.

In a word: duh! Mitt Romney, whose loyalties to the GOP have been questioned, said that Trump would easily win the primaries in 2024.

That’s what we’ve been saying, Mitt, for the last two years!

Only Democrats (and people who want to appease them) claimed that Trump was a goner. They ignored the fact that Trump’s involvement in last year’s elections helped secure unexpected Republican victories.

So far this year, he’s 55-0 in primary endorsements. He might even help unseat incumbent Lisa Murkowski, by endorsing her primary rival.

But it took Trump’s triumphant success this week for Romney to admit he could win 2024. What’s the deal, Mitt?

Why did it take Trump dominating in these primaries for a man like Romney to see the light? Mind you, he’s not backing Trump. He’s just admitting Trump will win the nomination.

Romney has long outraged the party by defying Donald Trump. He’s on thin ice, after supporting the left’s impeachment schemes and other policies.

Romney’s constant flip-flopping only upsets voters back in Utah. He might be safe this year, but come re-election time, he might be high and dry.

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