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Biden’s New Press Secretary’s Closet Swings Open – Karine’s ‘Partner’ Is Actually A CNN Reporter

Even the liberal media was shocked when they found out that Jen Psaki—White House press secretary—was courting a job with MSNBC.

While still working for the White House, Psaki was preparing to join a private company. Many claimed this was a conflict of interest, for someone who should have been neutral.

Biden hasn’t learned a thing. Because Psaki’s replacement appears to be just as compromised.

From the Washington Free Beacon:

The White House announced on Thursday that Karine Jean-Pierre, a veteran anti-Israel activist who is married to CNN correspondent Suzanne Malveaux, will replace outgoing press secretary Jen Psaki, raising potential ethical quandaries…

The White House did not respond to a request for comment about whether Jean-Pierre would recuse herself in dealing with CNN. Malveaux’s colleagues include Valerie Jarrett’s daughter, CNN justice correspondent Laura Jarrett, and Israel ambassador Tom Nides’s wife, Virginia Moseley, who serves as CNN’s senior vice president of news gathering.

Wow, Joe really can pick ‘em, huh? We’ve seen the caliber of folks that have joined the Biden White House.

Few of them seem qualified to do the jobs given them. That included Jen Psaki, among many others.

Biden continues this track record with the next press secretary. Her partner, Suzanne Malveaux, is literally a CNN correspondent.

Really, Joe? Does anyone in this administration think before making decisions?

How can anyone trust that this press secretary will be neutral when dealing with the press—when she is sleeping with someone from CNN?

How can other news outlets be confident that she won’t show special treatment to CNN, because of this relationship?

More than that, how can Americans feel safe that confidential details won’t be leaked to CNN—because the White House press secretary is married to a correspondent?

Leaks have been a pretty big area of concern, lately. And its hirings like this that have millions of Americans losing trust in our government.

But, despite all the protests from Americans and even journalists, I’m sure Biden will do absolutely nothing.

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