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Texas Delivers Its 1st Shipment To Biden – Governor Abbot Drops Off In D.C. The First Busload Of Unregistered Migrants

Joe Biden’s border policies (or lack thereof) have resulted in a major migrant crisis. Since 2021, millions of strangers have bombarded border states like Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Communities have been overwhelmed by these invaders. And state officials, thanks to an old Supreme Court ruling, do not have the power to deport them.

Gov. Abbott of Texas petitioned both Biden and Harris for help in this crisis. Both ignored him. So, he is making good on a promise.

From Fox News:

A bus from Texas arrived in Washington, D.C. Wednesday morning, transporting dozens of illegal immigrants as part of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s new plan to counter federal immigration policies during an ongoing border crisis…

Upon the bus’s arrival in Washington, D.C., individuals disembarked one by one except for family units who exited together. They checked in with officials and had wristbands they were wearing cut off before being told they could go.

You can watch them pile out right here:

The White House scoffed at Abbott’s threat that he would ship border jumpers to D.C. Now, who’s laughing? The first bus arrived this morning, releasing 40 migrants into Biden’s city.

Abbott warned Biden he was going to do this because Biden kept releasing border jumpers into Texas border towns. Communities were overwhelmed by these invaders, who posed a present threat to Americans.

Biden refuses to enforce immigration law and deport people who cross over illegally. Instead, he has rolled out the red carpet, ensuring these migrants remain in the country.

Abbott’s move is forcing Joe to deal with the crisis he created. An untold number of migrants might end up in D.C., creating a burden on its communities.

Is this a permanent solution? Of course not. Abbott is simply trying to force Biden and other lawmakers in D.C. to do something about the crisis.

Obviously, the hundreds of thousands of migrants rushing our border can’t stay in D.C. But neither can they stay in Texas or any other town. They need to be removed to Mexico or their country of origin.

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