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Washington D.C. Just Built A New Wall Over “Peaceful Protests” – They Erect Large Riot Fence Around The Supreme Court

When the Supreme Court’s draft opinion on Roe was leaked, tensions flared. Democrats across the country showed their true colors, calling for all kinds of responses to the news.

Pro-choice protesters outside the court apparently grew hostile toward pro-life demonstrators. The government claims the protests are staying peaceful.

Yet they erected riot fencing around the court, anyway.

From Fox News:

Workers erected a large fence around the U.S. Supreme Court building late Wednesday night…

Washington, D.C., police activated protest units amid large protests in front of the building Tuesday. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., joined crowds and shouted until her voice became hoarse.

The establishment is claiming pro-choice protests are staying peaceful. Yeah, we’ve heard that before.

Capitol authorities put up “non-scalable” fencing around the court. The reasoning is clear. If the Supreme Court does go ahead and overturn Roe, leftists might riot.

Funny how a group that claims to care about the rights of women and minorities is so quick to move to violence.

If riots do break out, either in D.C. or elsewhere, it’ll be no different than the ones from the summer of 2020.

The media had us believe those were “most peaceful,” organic protests. Yet, the evidence suggested a coordinated effort by the left—to influence the election.

What would the left hope to accomplish, should they lash out now? All they will do is prove to voting Americans that they do not respect law and order, nor the ruling of the highest court in the land.

The 2020 protests were allegedly about the injustice of the death of a black man. These possible riots will be aimed at the Supreme Court.

How will Democrats defend such vile actions? They will be supporting crime, all to protect the aborting of unborn children.

There is no way this will work out for them, in the end. If Democrats had brains, they’d go out of their way to urge protesters to not flip out.

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