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Trump Unleashes Firestorm Reply To Biden Insulting Donald’s Supporters: “MAGA Is Saving America”

President Donald Trump’s campaign message was clear: “Make America Great Again.” It’s the message that many believed vaulted him to victory.

However, over the years, Democrats and left-wing citizens have painted Trump and MAGA supporters in darker lights.

And Just Recently, President Joe Biden Made A Few Eye-Opening Comments Concerning The MAGA Movement.

This week, Biden ripped into Republicans regarding the Supreme Court leak, but he didn’t stop there. He then went after Trump fans.

POTUS then said that the “MAGA crowd” is actually “the most extreme political organization that’s existed in recent American history.”

He even claimed right-wing politicians are “afraid to act correctly” because they fear possibly losing a primary election.

But when Trump got wind of this, he wasn’t afraid to reply (from Fox News):

Former President Trump on Thursday told Fox News Digital that ‘MAGA is saving America,’ and slammed President Biden for being ‘divisive’ when he called MAGA the ‘most extreme political organization that’s existed in recent American history.’

‘MAGA is saving America,’ Trump told Fox News. ‘Our country is going to hell. MAGA is saving America.’

Trump wasn’t shy about going above and beyond this, either.

The 45th President went into more detail about why the Biden administration is failing, and why MAGA is the right path for the country.

Trump specifically pointed out “inflation, incompetent withdrawals from Afghanistan,” and “$85 billion of military equipment” left behind in that besieged country.

Donald added that the world “no longer” respects the U.S.

In the past, Trump has claimed that the Russia/Ukraine war would never have happened if he had stayed on Capitol Hill, and many Republican leaders agree with this statement.

And as far as Biden and his constituents are concerned, Trump Says All They Know Is “Misinformation” And “That’s All They’re Good At.”

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