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Ron DeSantis Signs Major Anti-Liberal Bill – Florida Students Now Required To Learn About Victims Of Communism

Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis is on a roll. He has been making good on his campaign promises from the moment he entered office.

He recently passed a bill to protect children in public schools. The law protects parents’ rights and forbids the teaching of sexual and gender issues in third grade or younger.

Now, he is ensuring students will learn the horrors of an evil system. And he’s triggering leftists everywhere.

From NY Post:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation Monday requiring Sunshine State students to learn about the “Victims of Communism” in high school.

Beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year, high school students enrolled in US government courses will get at least 45 minutes of instruction each November 7 describing how “victims suffered under these regimes through poverty, starvation, migration, systemic lethal violence, and suppression of speech.”

Way to honor Cuban-Americans, DeSantis! The Florida governor passed a law that requires high school students to learn about the victims of communist regimes.

This seems pretty appropriate since many Florida residents had families that fled Cuba when communist dictator and tyrant Fidel Castro took over.

The curriculum will highlight the pain, suffering, and torture people endured under communist governments. That includes starvation, violence, and suppression of liberties.

Florida residents will applaud this addition to the curriculum. But leftist Democrats will not.

After all, there is a trend on the left to celebrate monsters like Castro, who was responsible for the death of many Cubans (including gay men, something the left doesn’t like to talk about).

Democrats are lurching more and more left thanks to Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden. They are all but enshrining socialism and communism, despite what history tells us.

This move will educate Florida students so they realize how terrible communism is. And how it has no place in the United States.

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