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Melania Responds To Never Making Vogue Cover – The Former First Lady Accuses Magazine Of “Obvious Bias”

When Melania Trump became First Lady, it seemed inevitable that she’d grace many magazine covers. After all, America doesn’t often see a former model in the White House.

However, though then-FLOTUS Trump certainly received her fair share of attention, it also seemed clear that numerous publications were intentionally snubbing her, presumably for political reasons.

At the time, Melania tactfully refused to address the possible snubbing, even if her supporters felt it was painfully clear.

Now, though, the former First Lady has finally responded to being left off the cover of one of the country’s most popular publications — And Everyone Is Focusing On Just Two Words.

Melania gave one of her first interviews in a long time over the weekend; she went on “Fox and Friends Weekend,” where host Pete Hegseth brought up the touchy subject.

He noted that each of the last First Ladies who were married to Democrat Presidents made the cover of Vogue when they were in the White House. Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Jill Biden have had the honor.

In fact, even Vice President Kamala Harris has made the cover. But Not Once Did Melania Trump – Arguably The Most Photogenic FLOTUS Ever – Get The Same Respect From This Magazine.

So Hesgeth asked Mrs. Trump, “Why the double standard?” And Melania’s response was as follows:

They’re biased and they have likes and dislikes. It’s so obvious. And I think the American people and everyone sees it.

It was their decision and I had much more important things to do – and I did in the White House – than being on the cover of Vogue.

People magazine previously mentioned that Vogue had highlighted many other First Ladies, including Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, and Laura Bush. However, none of them ever made the cover.

The last time Melania Trump was on the cover was when she married Donald Trump back in 2005.

For much of the time the Trumps were in Washington, many Republican leaders and right-wing citizens claimed the couple was treated very poorly by the mainstream media. Leftists say President Trump treated the media even worse.

But regardless of what you believe, the fact remains that Melania was never on the cover of Vogue, while all recent Democrat First Wives made it.

This is the sort of issue that’s causing more and more people to distrust and dislike mainstream sources, from newspapers to magazines. And it’s interesting to hear Mrs. Trump finally react to it.

In her typical reserved fashion, she simply said she believed there was a bias, and she was a little too busy in D.C. to care much about it.

That’s the kind of reply that earned the former FLOTUS millions of ardent followers during her tenure in the White House. And if she gets back in 2024, expect those fans to be more vocal than ever.

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