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Trump Challenges Democrats With New Major Launch – Donald Says “You’re Hired” For His New Video Streamer

Donald Trump’s social network seems to be growing strong. Enthusiasm was so high, that they needed to create a waiting list.

Now, they are expanding even more by developing a web app, so anyone can join. But they are far from done.

In a shot to woke Hollywood, Trump is preparing to create a service that could be a total game-changer.

From Daily Mail:

Former President Donald Trump’s media company has begun hiring staff for its video streaming platform as it seeks to build a MAGA challenger to mainstream providers such as Netflix, Hulu and Disney+.

In recruitment adverts posted on Wednesday, the Trump Media and Technology Group announced it was seeking a content buyer and a development manager to create programming for its TMTG+ service.

This is pretty huge. Trump is already taking a bite out of social media, with TRUTH Social. Now, he is setting his sights on the entertainment world.

It’s no secret that major streaming services like Disney+ and Netflix are essentially Trojan horses for woke content.

Unsuspecting Americans are paying hundreds of dollars a year to be bombarded with leftist propaganda. Not to mention content that contradicts their personal values and beliefs.

It seems Trump is already taking steps to create a streaming service that will rival these Hollywood platforms. He is hiring a “content buyer,” someone who will purchase movies, shows, and other series for their service.

He is also looking for a development manager to create original programming for the service.

In this day and age, he is bound to find plenty of talented (patriotic) Americans ready to make his new service stellar.

The Daily Wire has already jumped into the entertainment world, providing wholesome content conservatives will love.

Then there are independent filmmakers producing content outside the Hollywood system, like those producing the Gospel-based The Chosen series, which has seen tremendous success in crowd-funding.

It’s likely that Trump will find numerous designers, creators, and innovators willing to work for his startup.

In a short time, we might be spoiled for alternatives to the crumbling, woke Hollywood machine.

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