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California Border Agents Make Concerning Discovery – Major Find Leads To Multiple Arrests Major Seizure And Tunnel

Joe continues to ignore the border crisis. As do most Democrats. They seem to think only “innocent” families are crossing our border illegally.

That couldn’t be farther from the truth.

The worst of the worst know that Biden refuses to enforce our immigration laws. And they are taking advantage of the chaos. Now, border agents discovered a massive tunnel used by drug smugglers.

From Fox News:

U.S. authorities on Monday announced the discovery of a massive tunnel stretching under the U.S.-Mexico border that was likely used to transport drugs undetected.

The over 1,700-foot “fully operational” tunnel runs from Tijuana to an industrial warehouse in San Diego, California. Authorities said it contains a “sophisticated” structural system that was likely used to smuggle heroin, methamphetamine and fentanyl into the U.S.

Border agents revealed they found a 1700-foot tunnel stretching from Tijuana to San Diego. The tunnel was being used by drug cartel members to smuggle drugs into the country.

An estimated $25 million worth of drugs were seized by authorities. That is only a small portion of the drugs this tunnel helped bring into the country.

The tunnel ended inside a San Diego warehouse, so criminals could come and go as they pleased, without fear of being caught.

Six California residents were arrested over this discovery. No doubt more were involved in this drug smuggling operation.

As horrific as this sounds, don’t be surprised. Many of these tunnels have been found over the years. At least 15 tunnels have been discovered by authorities since 2006.

When they are found, law enforcement usually blocks them up with cement, so they can never be used against.

But that won’t stop cartels from finding new ways of sneaking poison over the border. Unless our government actually tries to keep our border secure, this will never end.

How much do you want to bet that Biden isn’t losing sleep over this?

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