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After Biden Claims He’s Boosting Energy Production – Report Says Joe Is Leasing The Least Land In 70 Years

It’s no secret that we are facing an energy crisis. Gas prices are still higher than they were before Biden entered office.

But if you were to ask him, everything’s fine! He’s burning through tax dollars claiming he’s boosting energy production.

The facts, however, are coming back to haunt him.

From OANN:

A new report from the Department of the Interior shows the Biden Administration has leased fewer acres of land for oil and gas drilling on federal lands and waters since former President Harry Truman in the 1940s…

“Joe Biden has been, I won’t say a closet radical, but simply a radical throughout his entire career in public service,” Larry Behrans, communications director for Power the Future, told One America News. “And so the fact that he had the reins of the federal government and is punishing American energy independence like he has is something that really should surprise no one.”

We knew Biden was strangling America’s energy–but we didn’t realize it was this bad.

A new report reveals that Biden has leased less land for oil and gas drilling than any president since Harry Truman.

Keep in mind, that Truman was president in the 1940s–when we were far less dependent on oil and gas.

Today, it is shocking that a president would be shutting down our oil and gas industry this severely.

We know why he’s doing it–and it’s not because it is forcing us to buy electric vehicles.

All those EVs need fuel for charging–so we are still dependent on oil and natural gas for years to come.

But the more Biden shuts down our domestic oil and gas production, the more we have to buy from foreign providers.

Saudi Arabia, China, and other country win big, when Democrats punish Americans.

Would Biden actually hurt American industry, to help his globalists buddies overseas?

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