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Governor DeSantis Cracks Down On Protesters – New Florida Law Just Made It Illegal To Protest At Personal Homes

When the Supreme Court leak erupted, everyone had a reaction. Some of those reactions were stronger than others, and this included widespread protesting.

Some even went to the homes of Supreme Court justices to protest. And for many, this was way over the line.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Agrees — And Now There Will Be A New Law To Stop It.

After the Roe v. Wade leak swept across the country, a string of protests kicked off. Pro-abortion activists were quick to go after high court justices like Justice Alito and Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

This was an escalation of the marches and protests in the street, and it just didn’t go over well with some onlookers.

As a result, certain lawmakers like Gov. DeSantis are quickly pushing back. They want to ensure the safety and stability of their towns and cities.

That’s why Florida will have a new law this fall.

Via The Daily Wire:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation Monday making it a crime to picket or protest outside an individual’s home.

The Governor signed Florida House Bill 1571 on Monday, and it bans protests outside an individual’s home.

This law makes it clear that such a move just isn’t allowed: police will issue a warning and if they don’t disperse, they will make arrests.

Those who break this law will face second-degree misdemeanor charges, and it goes into effect on October 1.

Said DeSantis in a New Statement:

Sending unruly mobs to private residences, like we have seen with the angry crowds in front of the homes of Supreme Court justices, is inappropriate.

This bill will provide protection to those living in residential communities and I am glad to sign it into law.

The Florida legislature added that they have a “significant interest in protecting the tranquility and privacy of the home.”

The bottom line is that they interpret protesting at a home as “intent to harass or disturb that person in his or her dwelling.” That’s precisely what many had an issue with.

Protesting and rioting has hit fever pitches in recent years, given the pandemic and George Floyd incident.

To add to the turmoil, “defund the police” talks took hold, and disrespect of authority figures began to become almost normal.

But when these public protesters begin to descend on private homes, and innocent onlookers are dragged into the fray, that’s when government officials need to step in.

And that’s exactly what Gov. DeSantis did this week.

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