Joe Biden Gets Exposed In New Audit – It Turns Out Up To Half Of The President’s Twitter Followers Are ‘Fake’

Musk sent shareholders into a panic when he put his purchase of Twitter on hold. He was demanding the company to show proof that only 5% of its user base were bot accounts.

It seems the company has been busy auditing its user base, hoping to seal the deal. But not everyone is coming out on top. Because, the audit hit Joe Biden hard.

From NY Post:

Nearly half of President Biden’s 22.2 million Twitter followers are bogus, a new audit revealed.

The audit, which was done for the social media giant by software firm SparkToro, found that 49.3% of the president’s followers are “fake followers,” according to Newsweek…

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who is attempting to buy Twitter, has expressed concern over the growing number of fake accounts and proposed a potential crackdown on the sham accounts.

Ouch. An audit of Twitter user accounts found that nearly 50% of Joe Biden’s followers were fake. Fake accounts are run by software “bots”, not real people.

I guess that’s kind of appropriate. A fake president is being followed by fake users!

Scammers create thousands, if not millions, of these accounts to con real users, steal identities, and worse.

Users also pay scammers to boost their number of followers, through the use of bots. This is one of the reasons people suspect Twitter refuses to properly crackdown on bots.

Because celebrities and other heavy hitters are paying to inflate their following numbers with these fake accounts.

Was Joe Biden’s office paying to inflate his followers? We can’t be sure. But it’s pretty embarrassing that roughly 11 million of Biden’s “fans” were fan accounts made in China or Russia.

This shouldn’t be much of a surprise. Twitter has suffered from its staff’s unwillingness to crack down on bots.

User engagement has plummeted over the years with “trending” tweets barely getting 1,000 likes or retweets.

For a site that boasts 100’s of millions of users, that’s really eye-opening.

How many of Twitter’s users are actually real? If the “president” had 50% fake bots, what about the rest?

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