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Democrat Rep Conor Lamb Just Got Outed By The FEC – Records Show That His Brother Was Paid Almost $100,000 By His Campaign

Democrats are facing increasingly difficult odds for this midterm election cycle. Signs point to major GOP wins, as Democrats are blamed for endless crises at home and abroad.

And this news isn’t going to help their reputations one bit. A Democrat from PA lost his bid to run for Senate. But, although he lost to a left-wing rival, his brother made it out nicely.

From Fox News:

Democratic Rep. Conor Lamb doled out nearly $100,000 in campaign cash to his brother to help lead his failed Pennsylvania Senate effort that a left-leaning strategist called “one of the worst campaigns” they’ve ever seen…

This wasn’t the first time his brother has pocketed campaign cash. Before running for Senate, Lamb’s House committee dished out $122,465 to Coleman between May 2018 and December 2020, federal filings show.

How interesting. Conor Lamb lost his campaign for the Democrat nomination for Pennsylvania senator. But it is now coming out that he paid his brother $94,000 to be a “senior communications advisor.”

Wow. That’s quite a paycheck, for a job that is at best vague and at worst meaningless.

Previously, Lamb paid his brother $122,465 in 2020 during his run for Congress. Must be pretty nice to be Conor’s brother, huh?

It’s not illegal for politicians to hire their families during a campaign. But it sure as heck looks bad.

Many Democrats have come under scrutiny in recent years for hiring their family members during campaigns—and paying them big bucks.

Deranged Democrat Maxine Waters has been paying her daughter hundreds of thousands of dollars for outdated services for years.

And we all know about Ilhan Omar, who stole her current husband away from his first wife. She paid his firm over a million dollars for “services” during the last campaign.

It’s hard for voters not to think politicians are squandering campaign funds to help their families get rich.

Much of that money was donated by hard-working Americans, who thought they were helping a politician win. Instead, they learn that the cash was pocketed by their family members for dubious services.

Again, not illegal, but it might sour plenty of Americans from donating to these campaigns again.

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