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Clinton Campaign Manager Just Turned On Hillary – Official Testimony Claims She Approved Trump/Russia Materials

For years, former President Donald Trump has denied any allegations that he secretly colluded with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. At the same time, many Democrats still believed the accusation.

Since that time, there has been evidence to disprove the theory, but not enough to satisfy some leaders on Capitol Hill. But now it looks like they’re finally getting the confessions they want in court.

And For The First Time, We’re Hearing Official Testimony That Hillary Clinton Did Have Knowledge Of The Plot.

Former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook testified on Friday in the ongoing trial, which involves former campaign attorney Michael Sussman, who’s accused of hiding his clients from the FBI probe.

For the most part, the trial has focused on Sussman and the supposed link between Russia’s Alfa Bank and the Trump organization.

But late last week, Mook was asked if Clinton had been aware of the situation — and whether or not she approved of spreading the Trump/Russia collusion “information.”

That’s when Mook testified against his former boss, and the sparks have been flying ever since. Mook was called to the stand by Sussman’s defense team, and he delivered a bombshell testimony.

From Fox News:

Former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook testified Friday that then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton approved the dissemination of materials alleging a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank to the media, despite campaign officials not being ‘totally confident’ in the legitimacy of the data.

Prior to this, former FBI General Counsel James Baker testified that the FBI has considered the Trump/Russia materials provided by Sussman, and had quickly concluded that “there was nothing there.”

During cross-examination, Mook said the Clinton campaign wasn’t 100% confident regarding the data, but still wanted to give it to a reporter who could determine if it was “accurate” or “substantive.”

And when asked if he discussed this with senior campaign officials, Mook replied:

I discussed it with Hillary as well.

I don’t remember the substance of the conversation, but notionally, the discussion was, hey, we have this and we want to share it with a reporter.

He then said “she agreed” to the dissemination of the data to the media. This is precisely what many Republican leaders and former President Donald Trump has been saying for quite some time.

And not long after Mook said that “she agreed with the decision,” these Republican leaders – and Trump – were claiming they’ve been vindicated.

For months after the 2016 election concluded, rumors swirled in the mainstream media about how Russia might’ve “stolen” the election for Trump, or had at least helped him secure the victory.

Evidence came out after that suggested this was false but many leftist leaders continued to support the idea, and questioned the legitimacy of Trump’s win.

Now, however, it looks like we’re closing in on the truth: and it appears that while Clinton and her team weren’t totally confident about the data, they were still willing to give it to the press.

This could lead to more surprising revelations in the near future, and it could also give Republicans even more valuable ammunition for the upcoming midterm elections.

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