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After California Pride Parade Bans Police In Uniforms – Liberal SF Mayor Strikes Back Joins Cops To Boycott Them

Democrats have a long way to go in order to repair their relationship with law enforcement. For years, they called for the “defunding” of police.

Despite Biden’s claims, many liberals continue to attack, criticize, and defund police departments.

In Los Angeles, the gay community continued this trend by refusing to let cops march in uniform for this year’s pride parade.

But in a shocking turn of events, the mayor is siding with the police.

From Fox News:

San Francisco Mayor London Breed and local law enforcement groups have opted not to march in the upcoming Pride Parade over a ban that prohibits law enforcement officers to wear their uniforms…

“…if the Pride Board does not reverse its decision, I will join our city public safety departments that are not participating in the Pride Parade,” Breed said in a statement to Fox San Francisco.

“Let’s be very clear about who we are talking about: brave women and men who not only have the courage to put on their uniforms and go out and risk their lives every day to serve our city, but who also have the courage to do so as openly out women and men in uniform,” she added.

We never thought we’d see a far-left Democrat, in one of the most liberal cities in America, actually standing up for the police.

But that shows you just how terrified elected liberals are, as the midterms approach.

Mayor Breed of San Francisco has chosen not to participate in the yearly pride parade because organizers banned cops from joining in their uniforms.

The mayor’s statement affirms the police’s role as men and women who “risk their lives every day” to keep the city safe.

That’s not the kind of talk we hear from Democrats, these days. We would have more likely expected her to “stand” with the gay community.

The fact that she is standing up for the police, even at the risk of upsetting the gay bloc, shows how dangerous a place the Democratic Party is this year.

Breed is in no danger of losing a race against a Republican in SF. But she knows that Democrats have earned a bad reputation for neglecting their local PDs.

San Francisco crime has gotten so bad, residents are leaving their cars unlocked, just so robbers won’t smash their windows.

As this trend continues, millions of voters will eject liberal officials in exchange for law-and-order Republicans.

Breed must have gotten the memo and is doing her part to reverse the narrative. Now, we’d like to see her pass a few laws that actually empower cops and punish criminals.

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