GOP Leader Introduces Bill To Fix The Border For Good – Rep. Ernst Wants Unused Materials For A New Wall

The border crisis remains in full swing, and many Americans are frustrated with the current administration. And if they succeed in lifting Title 42, the surges may intensify.

Migrant encounters and arrests rose almost immediately after President Joe Biden reversed his predecessor’s border and immigration policies, which included halting construction of the border wall.

This resulted in about 1 million illegal entrants into the U.S. in 2021, and record-breaking numbers reported by DHS (Department of Homeland Security).

Republican Leaders Are Now Demanding That It Has To Stop, And One GOP Leader Has A Solution — Former President Trump Will Undoubtedly Support It.

According to Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, about $250 million in taxpayer-funded wall materials are simply sitting on the southern border.

These unused materials have been under scrutiny for a while. Back in February, Texas managed to snag 1,700 panels that were supposed to go into Trump’s wall, and these are now being used:

After Biden halted construction of Trump’s border wall hundreds of unused wall panels were left at construction sites.

But that’s not enough, as many miles of border remain unsecured.

That’s why another Iowa Republican leader, Sen. Jodi Ernst, has suggested that southern states gain access to all unused barrier material. That way, they can defend themselves by constructing their own walls.

Via The Daily Wire:

Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst introduced a new bill on Tuesday that would allow border states to obtain unused materials to construct a border wall.

The BUILD IT Act would allow the materials to be used by states like Arizona and Texas to construct their own barriers along the nation’s southern border.

Ernst said in a statement that we’re seeing “A Crisis Of Historic Proportions” At The Border, And Biden’s “Refusal To Take Action Has Been A Disaster.”

On top of that, taxpayers should be annoyed that their money is basically being wasted right now. The materials have been made and aren’t being used, so Rep. Ernst suggests we use them to protect our country.

It seems like a logical solution:

Here’s a simple solution, Mr. President: let’s put these materials to use, let’s end the taxpayer-funded waste, let’s stop the unprecedented flow of illegal migrants, and let’s build it!

Sen. Grassley added that Biden’s policy decisions “have led to complete chaos at our southern border.” And his move to stop construction on the wall has cost taxpayers “safety and security,” as well as “nearly $3M per day.”

The Senator made it clear that while America is a “welcoming nation,” we can’t afford to keep this up any longer. He said this is an unprecedented crisis and the safety and stability of the U.S. is at stake.

The BUILD IT Act already has the support of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, and other GOP leaders are on board: Sens. Ted Cruz (TX), Rick Scott (FL), Roger Marshall (KS), and Steve Daines (MT).

Since placing Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the crisis a while back, many citizens wonder what has been done.

The answer is “very little” or “nothing at all” according to many. And most say it’s just part of the liberal “open-border” agenda that is now costing this country dearly.

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