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Trump Just Launched A New Book He Calls ‘Depressing’ – Donald Claims He’s Going To Set ‘Crime Of The Century’ Straight

Ever since leaving the White House, Donald Trump has remained a strong, public fixture. He has hosted his legendary rallies. And he even launched a social media app to rival Twitter.

But it appears he’s far from finished. Trump has long been a best-selling author, with books celebrated by fans and admirers alike.

He’s planning to release a new book, though. And although it will probably be a bestseller, he claims it won’t make you happy.

From The Epoch Times:

Former President Donald Trump told supporters on May 14 that he’s writing a book on alleged voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, entitled “The Crime of the Century.”

“I don’t think you’ll enjoy it. You’ll be very depressed when you read it, but we want to have it down for historic reasons,” Trump said during his one-hour speech at the Austin Convention Center in Texas, as part of the larger American Freedom Tour which gathers conservatives in various cities across the country.

Defying the ongoing narrative by Democrats and the liberal media, Trump will release a book contending his side of the 2020 Election results.

The book will be called “The Crime of the Century.” And Trump promises it will be “very depressed” to read it.

He said folks who read it won’t enjoy it. But he believes it needs to be written for “historic reasons.”

Many Republicans turned on Trump, while he fought for election integrity. Millions of Americans still have lingering questions about what happened after the election.

Questions that the media claims make you an “insurrectionist” for just mentioning it.

But it doesn’t seem Trump is willing to bow to their narrative.

This book will no doubt be a huge hit. Trump is known for being a best-seller. His most recent work “Out Journey Together” was a sellout hit.

While this book won’t anyone jump for joy, millions of Americans might flock to read it.

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