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Governor Abbott Gives Biden A New Texas Bus Warning – After Sending 45 Buses To Washington D.C., He Could Send Ten Times More

Texas governor, Greg Abbott, has been fighting the endless tide of migrants at the border. He even once revealed he petitioned both Biden and Harris for help.

Neither even bothered to respond.

So, the governor took action into his own hands and sent 45 buses full of migrants to D.C. And now, he’s promising to increase that number by a huge margin.

From The Western Journal:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Lone Star State has already sent 45 buses of migrants to Washington, D.C., and Abbot said this week he’s ready to send 10 times that number and more if that’s what it takes to get the Biden administration to pay attention to the crisis on the southern border…

“Our goal in sending the buses is to help local communities. The idea arose in a meeting like I had here, but it was in Uvalde,” Abbott explained.

He recounted that the city of 16,000 had “no capability” of dealing with the flood of humanity on its own.

Democrats in D.C. have turned a blind eye to the open border. Joe Biden has no intentions of addressing it.

So, Abbott is going to make it their problem, by sending up to 450 busses of border jumpers to the nation’s capital.

Many believe Democrats have opened the border deliberately. They suspect it is part of their scheme to sow confusion and disorder in the country, so they can spread more governor control.

(Not to mention exploit these invaders in states with no voter ID laws.)

But they will have a hard time ignoring the growing fallout of Biden’s open border when hundreds—perhaps thousands—of migrants are swarming D.C.

What will locals think when they have to deal with this influx of people? D.C. is equipped for this kind of thing (neither are the border towns Biden has abandoned).

Perhaps this will pressure Congress to actually do something. But at the very least, it will force D.C. to deal with this problem themselves.

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