First Lady Shares The Biden’s Habit Of “Fexting” – When Joe And Jill Go Head To Head, They Fight Via Text Message

Currently, many wonder what the balance of power is like on Capitol Hill. Skeptics maintain that President Joe Biden is being propped up by his top staffers, as well as First Lady Jill Biden.

The First Lady hasn’t been especially vocal about her relationship with POTUS, but rumors say she and Joe don’t always get along. And when they don’t, they break out a strange strategy.

Jill Biden revealed this odd habit to The Associated Press, and it’s already gaining plenty of scrutiny.

It seems that when Joe and Jill get into a fight, they have a special way of resolving the argument. Apparently, it’s so the public never sees them actually fighting — i.e., it’s maybe more of a PR move.

It’s also a matter of privacy, it would seem. The two don’t want everyone around them to hear what they’re arguing about, so out come the cell phones.

This strategy popped up when Joe was Vice President. He was constantly surrounded by Secret Service members, and Joe and Jill were a little wary of airing their dirty laundry in and around the White House.

So, they invented “fexting.”

Via The Daily Wire:

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have adopted their own strategy for resolving disputes, and they refer to it as ‘fexting.’

The goal, according to the Biden’s, is to avoid fighting where others can hear them hashing things out. And now that they are both surrounded by Secret Service agents and other officials almost constantly, the simplest way to do that is via text message.

According to the AP report, the couple wanted to hide their disagreements from Secret Service agents (and presumably anyone else who might be around).

At one point, she angrily texted Joe: “You Realize That’s Going To Go Down In History. There Will Be A Record Of That. …I Won’t Tell You What I Called Him That Time.

She didn’t specify what decision or move of Joe Biden’s she was referring to, but it’s certainly an interesting set of comments.

This she told to Harper’s Bazaar, which will show up in a cover story that arrives next week. It’ll be the first time in the publication’s history that “a U.S. First Lady has been so prominently featured.”

There are other juicy tidbits set to come out in that article, too.

Besides the “fexting,” Biden spoke about her divorce when she still wasn’t done with her education, and how unstable she felt from a financial perspective. That’s why she’s teaching her daughters and granddaughters to “be independent.”

But it’s the way Joe and Jill try to resolve their differences that’s getting the most attention right now.

Texting might appear to be an adolescent way of fighting, and some wonder if it’s just a smokescreen: maybe the couple does it just to avoid speaking to each other in the White House.

That’s all speculation, of course, but the rumor mill has another piece of ammunition. And right now, the situation at the White House concerning Biden’s capabilities remains a hot topic.

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