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Prince Harry And Meghan Get A Rude Awakening – They Show Up At Queen’s Jubilee And Quickly Get Booed

Once upon a time, English Prince Harry abandoned his family. Thanks to the urgings of his liberal wife, Meghan Markle, they left the UK and came to America.

For some reason, these entitled brats thought they’d be welcomed by us. Didn’t work out that way.

This week, Harry’s grandma, the queen, celebrated her Platinum Jubilee. So, the estranged grandson returned to England, even though he disavowed them just a few years ago.

The people of the country were not pleased to see him and his Yoko of a wife.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were booed as they left St. Paul’s Cathedral on Friday morning…

Markle and Harry left the church to boos, while Prince William and Kate Middleton received cheers…

The Service of Thanksgiving was attended by Prince Charles, Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry and Markle.

Wow, this is pretty amazing. The crowds who gather to see the Royal Family in England are the most fanatical of all UK subjects.

They obsess about the family, the way teen girls fawn over boy bands.

But when Prince Harry and his wife exited the church, they were met with harsh boos. Just listen to the video.

The boos were so loud, you could hear them over the church bells. According to reports, Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton were met with cheers.

You can’t misinterpret that. The subjects who gathered outside the church were happy to see Prince William and Kate.

But when Harry showed his face, along with his despicable wife, the people showed them how they really felt.

Most people believe Markle drove a wedge between Prince Harry and his family. After they left the family, she appeared on Oprah, spreading horrible accusations against them—without evidence.

The Royal Family was quick to refute those claims. It’s actually a surprise that Harry was there at all, given his rejection of the family.

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