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She’s Back: Sarah Palin Trounces The Field – Former VP Candidate Scores Win In Special Election For U.S. Rep. In Alaska

Sarah Palin was once one of the most popular Republicans in the country. And though she’s taken a step back over the years, it seems she’s retained a lot of supporters.

Now that she’s reentered the political arena, Palin is ready to bring strong conservatism back to America. She’ll need to work her way back but according to the latest election, she’s off and running.

And Palin Didn’t Just Win The First Round—She Routed The Competition.

The former Alaska Republican and vice-presidential candidate didn’t have any trouble coming out on top in the first round of the state’s special election.

Alaska only gets to send one representative to the House and Palin wants to fill that seat. At first, it appeared she might face some stiff competition, as the field included the brother of a former Alaska Senator.

All told, there are 48 candidates trying to replace Rep. Don Young, who passed away in March.

Alaska is using a new voting system this time around, where voters cast ballots for single candidates, then the top 4 finishers advance to the general election. At that point, voters pick the 4 in order of preference.

If any candidate tops 50%, that person wins. If nobody snags the majority, the last place candidate is eliminated, and they vote again. The elimination process keeps going until just one remains.

And right now, nobody is touching Palin (via The Daily Wire):

Former Alaska Republican governor and one-time vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin blew away a crowded field that included Santa Claus Saturday in the critical first round of a special election to fill the state’s sole seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

With 54.4% of the vote in, Palin had 32,371 votes to just over 20,000 for second-place finisher Nick Begich, brother of former Alaska senator Mark Begich and the favorite of the state’s GOP establishment.

Palin was quick to respond to the surge, and thanked her constituents in a Twitter post.

She also said she’d be standing tall for her Conservative values, many of which are primary talking points around the country right now. This includes everything from drilling to abortion.

And as she said in a statement:

Palin was the 2008 running mate to presidential hopeful John McCain, and it’s clear that she remains quite popular in her home state.

However, it isn’t over yet, and experts say Begich, despite being well behind after the first round of voting, might still pose a challenge. It’s important to note that he’s actually the Alaska GOP’s pick.

The numbers are certainly in Palin’s favor at this point, though.

It likely also helps her case that former President Donald Trump is in her corner: Trump has often praised Palin for her ideas and values, and hopes that she’ll continue pushing for American rights and liberties.

Trump hasn’t confirmed another run to the White House in 2024, though if he does announce his candidacy, having Palin as a running mate would make for a very interesting election season.

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