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Days After Joe’s “Ministry Of Truth” Disappears – Kamala Harris Starts New “Task Force” And Press Sec Can’t Say How It’s Different

We all knew that when Biden’s “disinformation board” was shut down, the left wasn’t finished.

And, look, Kamala Harris is starting a new “task force,” which the press statement claimed would (among other things) address “disinformation” as well as “harassment” against gay people.

A reporter asked the WH press secretary how is this different from Biden’s despised Big Brother board.

From YouTube:

President Joe Biden’s White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre could not say how Vice President Kamala Harris’ “task force” is different from President Biden’s Ministry of Truth, during the White House press briefing on 6/16/2022.

Interesting. When asked how Kamala Harris’s “task force” was any different from Biden’s shuttered “disinformation board,” Jean-Pierre did not have an answer.

If fact, she just told the reporter to go find out himself. Wow, what an amazing press secretary.

According to one statement, Harris’s “task force” will focus solely on criminal activity online. But the original release suggested a much broader agenda.

This group could use the resources of the White House to go after just about anyone whose views and opinions clash with its agenda.

How will this task force operate? What will it actually do? What agencies or departments will work with it?

None of this has been told to us. And it leaves open rampant suspicion.

Most tyrannical countries keep their censorship policies vague, hoping that fear of getting in trouble will do most of the work (same for Twitter).

Is this what Harris plans on doing?

The only silver lining is, considering her track record, this won’t be a successful venture.

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