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State Capitol Building “Stormed” By Liberal Activists – ‘Pink Out’ Protesters Just Swarmed Special Session Of Wisconsin Lawmakers

Abortion activists are panicking as we get closer to a verdict from the Supreme Court. In very short order, we could see numerous states banning the practice, thanks to a ruling.

Republicans from the Wisconsin state government quickly called for a special session, in light of the upcoming decision. They were ready to reinstitute a law that would ban abortion in the state.

So, abortion extremists decided to “pink out” to stop them.

From Channel 3000:

On the same day Republican lawmakers quickly gaveled into and out of a special session on abortion, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin held a “pink out” at the Capitol urging them to repeal the state’s abortion ban…

Gov. Tony Evers called the special session earlier this month in the wake of a leaked draft opinion indicating the high court could overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion case from the 1970s…

Should that happen, Wisconsin’s criminal abortion ban from 1849 could take effect once again.

Wisconsin state lawmakers were unable to conduct a special session because a swarm of abortionist activists flooded the state legislature.

The governor had to quickly end the session, because of the disruption

It appears the plan had been to affirm the state’s standing abortion ban (from a law passed in 1849), should the Supreme Court end Roe v. Wade.

But because these abortionists interfered with the session, it ended immediately.

Hmm… a group of radicals storming a Capitol building to stop the government from doing its job?

I’m sure the police arrested all of these activists and threw them in jail immediately. There’s no possible way liberals could get away with this… in light of J6, right?

Something tells me that none of the protestors who infiltrated the Wisconsin state Capitol will be facing punishment.

Had conservatives done the same in California, New York, or Illinois—what do you think would have happened?

The ironic thing is, lawmakers couldn’t pass any new laws (even one that could protect some abortion rights), because of the disruption.

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