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After Biden Considers Concerning Change To Title IX – Trump’s Education Sec. DeVos Spotlights Joe’s Mistake

It came out recently that Joe Biden wants to redefine Title IX in schools. His new agenda will require public schools to embrace the left’s gender propaganda.

Schools that refuse could lose federal funding for lunches.

Trump’s education secretary weighed in on Biden’s plans and blasted his decision.

From Fox News:

Former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos sounded off on the Biden administration’s rumored proposals for Title IX…

“That they would attempt to expand the definition of biological sex through a rulemaking process, it really is a bridge too far,” she said. “And I hope that, and I trust that many people will raise their voices if what is rumored to be true actually unfolds.”

Former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos called Biden’s Title IX agenda a “bridge too far.” She called for educators and leaders to hold to the “biological” definition of gender.

Democrats have been trying to push transgender ideology into schools, so children will be exposed to various sexual topics.

In the state of Florida, they banned discussion of sex and gender in grades below the fourth. For that, Disney tried to interfere with the state’s laws.

Biden seems to be trying to prevent other states from protecting children from the left’s gender agenda.

He wants to redefine the standards of Title IX to include transgenderism. This would impair the law’s ability to protect women, according to DeVos.

The purpose of Title IX is to ensure both men and women enjoy the same educational rights under the law.

Instead of doing that, Biden appears to be twisting the law to force schools to teach “gender identity.”

It is possible that more states will follow Florida’s lead and ban this kind of thing, Biden be damned.

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