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Liberal Activists Cross The Line In SCOTUS “Protest” – They Actually Attempted To Western State Capitol In Session

Democrats have not taken the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe well. Those in power know it may hurt their funding significantly.

And their “useful idiots,” aka protesters and rioters, have gone overboard to express their anger that—in some states—they won’t be able to abort babies.

But in an ironic twist of fate, these activists did the very thing Democrats panicked over just a year ago.

From Breitbart:

Pro-abortion rioters attempted to storm the Arizona capitol building in Phoenix while the state’s senate was in session.

Pro-life Republican state Senator Kelly Townsend, who was inside the senate building, tweeted members of the Senate were “being held hostage inside the Senate building.” Townsend said during one period the senators could “smell teargas and the children of one of the members are in the office sobbing with fear.”

“I expect a J24 committee to be created immediately,” she added.

Abortion activists stormed the Arizona capitol building, while the state senate was in session, during a riot over the Roe decision.

Not only was this similar to the events of J6, but these rioters were reportedly “breaking through security” to storm the chambers.

(Keep in mind, J6 protesters were reportedly let in, as security did not try to stop them.)

According to some members of the state senate, they were “held hostage” by these rioters. It appears some were in fear of their lives, as children were heard “sobbing.”

So… will the federal government treat this serious invasion with the same gravity of the J6 events?

It appears the crowd of rioters was dispersed. It is unclear if any of them have been arrested or will be arrested.

In fact, these rioters were free to vandalize monuments in the surrounding area. Um… any arrests, you guys?

We can’t be sure these “insurrectionists” will be treated the same as the ones from J6. And we all know why.


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