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Arizona School Sued on Behalf of “Silenced” Parents – Attorney General Says Behavior “Demands Expulsion”

American parents have become increasingly concerned about the education their children receive. On top of that, many are convinced parental rights are being stomped on by authoritarian educators.

But many parents won’t remain silent, and sometimes they get help from their elected officials. That’s exactly what has happened in the state of Arizona, where “silenced” parents just got a boost.

State Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) has just filed an important lawsuit against a school district.

Brnovich issued several fiery statements to go along with the suit, claiming the Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) “manipulated public input and silenced the voices of parents in order to advance its own agenda.”

The lawsuit names school board member and former President Jann-Michael Greenburg as a defendant. And Brnovich says his behavior and that of the board “demands expulsion.”

Democrat leaders have been accused of turning children over to the state and cutting parents out of the education loop. Vice President Kamala Harris was recently quoted as saying American kids are “children of the community.”

And now, parents are fighting back. Here’s more from Brnovich’s statement (via The Daily Wire):

‘The Board repeatedly cut off any speaker whenever Greenburg determined that the topic discussed strayed too far from the 2021-2022 instructional time model,’ the lawsuit noted.

‘In so doing, the Board, through Greenburg, applied a content-based restriction on speech.’

The lawsuit alleges that the board didn’t allow public comment on the mask mandate, as well as other items on the agenda.

AG Brnovich is standing up for parents who have been trying to make their voices heard, especially in regards to high-profile issues. And it certainly isn’t only happening in Arizona.

The Attorney General continued:

Across the United States in recent months, it has been uncovered that school boards are encroaching on the constitutional rights of concerned parents.

This disturbing trend has now surfaced in Arizona.

I urge the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to immediately open an investigation into this matter.

Three parents are bringing a separate lawsuit against Greenburg and the school district, and they’re also claiming they were silenced after calling out certain board decisions.

There’s also the accusation that Greenburg and the board had access to parents’ private information, including Social Security numbers, background checks, mortgage documents, and Facebook posts.

It’s another shot fired in the Parents vs. The State battle, which is how many American parents view the conflict.

If parents feel as if they’re not allowed to speak, and have no control over the education, they’re going to fight back. But they might require the assistance of elected officials with influence to get anywhere.

Key Takeaways:

  • Arizona AG Mark Brnovich has leveled a lawsuit at the Scottsdale school district, saying they “silenced” parents.
  • Brnovich claims the board refused to listen to parents who criticized their agenda decisions.
  • 3 parents have also hit the district with a lawsuit, which includes similar allegations.

Source: The Daily Wire


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