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Franklin Graham Issues A Statement On SCOTUS Ruling – The Coach’s Right To Pray Is: “A Win For All Americans!”

This week, the Supreme Court handed down a ruling regarding a coach that was fired over praying.

The court decided the school district violated his free speech and religious rights. It was a watershed decision that upheld our First Amendment.

And leading minister, Franklin Graham, issued a statement on the ruling.

From Breitbart:

Rev. Franklin Graham expressed joy Monday when the coach who lost his job after a school district tried to keep him from praying was given a major victory at the Supreme Court.

“Congratulations to Coach Joe Kennedy—this is a win for the free exercise of religion and free speech, so it’s a win for all Americans!” Graham wrote in a social media post on Monday.

Minister and son of the late evangelist Billy Graham, Rev. Franklin Graham, took to social media on Monday to celebrate the recent Supreme Court ruling.

He said the decision by the court to uphold Coach Kennedy’s religious freedoms was a “win for all Americans.”

Graham echoed the decision by the court in his post, mentioning that the justices ruled our religious beliefs cannot be “suppressed by the government.”

Which was exactly what the Washington state school district tried to do. They did not forbid him from praying, just not on the field where people could see him.

It seemed like the district didn’t want people knowing this man had faith.

But the court ruled that was not only a violation of the “Free Exercise” clause of the First Amendment but also Kennedy’s “Free Speech” rights.

Rev. Graham stated this was a win for all Americans because this decision will affect us all.

Because the court said this man had the right to pray in public, on school grounds, despite what the district said, it could have repercussions for other school employees.

Teachers, coaches, and other public school staff won’t have to fear losing their jobs simply because they pray.

This could encourage more Americans of faith to express their love and worship of God, even in places where they have been previously forbidden.

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