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Texas Governor Signs ‘Invasion’ Executive Order

Recently, we learned about Texas counties reaching a breaking point, thanks to Joe Biden’s border crisis.

Kenney County, along with five others, declared the ongoing crisis an “invasion.” They urged the governor to do the same.

And now, Gov. Abbott is taking extraordinary steps to protect the Lone Star State.

From Fox News:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday issued an executive order that allows Texas law enforcement to return illegal immigrants apprehended in the state back to the U.S. border — just as counties have urged him to declare the migrant crisis an “invasion.”

Abbott’s order allows Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to apprehend and return illegal immigrants, who have crossed between ports of entry, to the southern border. Under the order, illegal aliens will be taken to the U.S., but not into Mexico.

In a move that will surely spark outrage from the Biden administration, Gov. Abbott ordered Texas law enforcement to send border jumpers back to the border.

A Supreme Court ruling from years ago prohibits states from deporting migrants. Only the federal government has the power to do so.

Yet Joe Biden has refused to deport the millions of jumpers who crossed into the country illegally since he entered office.

Gov. Abbott’s order will allow law enforcement and the National Guard to remove aliens, taking them to the border. Police will not take them all the way into Mexico, but will require migrants to do so themselves.

Abbott failed to declare the exploding crisis an invasion. He did, however, get very close when he quoted Article IV, § 4 of the U.S. Constitution, “that ‘[t]he United States…shall protect each [State in this Union] against Invasion…”

It’s unclear how successful this order will be. Biden’s DOJ or DHS is probably already rushing to sue Texas to stop it.

This could escalate into clashes with Texas law enforcement and federal authorities trying to prevent them from deporting aliens.

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