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After Manchin Torpedoes Biden’s New Agenda – The Senator Claims He Hasn’t Ruled Out Tax Hikes

Democrats are scrambling to get something done before the midterms. In just a few months, a red wave is expected to wipe out their majority.

So, they are trying to get a spending bill passed now, before they lose the chance to cash in on their power—I mean, funnel cash into their buddies’ pockets—I mean, help the country.

But one man is, again, seemingly standing in the way: Sen. Manchin.

From The Hill:

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) told Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) “unequivocally” on Thursday that he will only support a narrow budget reconciliation package before Labor Day if it does not include new spending to fight climate change or taxes on wealthy individuals or corporations, according to a Democrat briefed on the talks.

It appears Manchin will not approve another spending bill if it raises taxes or pushes Biden’s radical climate agenda.

Democrats are in an uproar. So, the senator offered some measured words.

From Fox News:

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., pushed back Friday on reports that he had ruled out including tax hikes and climate change subsidies within the Democrats’ party-line spending bill, saying he would wait until July inflation numbers are out next month to decide.

It seems the moderate Democrat from West Virginia is once again playing coy about his refusal to support the radical left.

After word came out that he “unequivocally” opposes Biden’s agenda, he walked back those words to say he’ll wait until August.

He says he wants to look at July’s inflation numbers before agreeing to a spending package that will sink our economy.

Um… something tells me that July’s numbers won’t be all that different than June’s. Unless a miracle happens, inflation will remain unreasonably high.

Manchin is just doing this to play for time, to slow down Democrats before they rush off with some idiot spending bill.

Chances are, Manchin will have a good reason, come August, to oppose Biden’s spending agenda.

Inflation is being caused, in part, by Biden’s war on American energy. Until that changes, inflation is here to stay.

Manchin has previously rebuked his party for pushing massive spending, in the midst of high inflation.

Democrats haven’t listened and keep pushing for spending packages that will put more burdens on Americans—at the very worst time.

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