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2024 Election Prediction Rocks The Nation – Former Democrat Adviser Dick Morris Claims It’s ‘Only Trump’

Word has spread last week that Trump has already decided his 2024 plans. And some claimed he could be making an announcement before September.

We still don’t know for sure what will happen. But former Clinton advisor is weighing the odds and he’s saying it’s “only Trump.”

From Newsmax:

Former President Donald Trump is not only going to run in 2024, but he is going to get the Republican nomination without a primary fight, according to political strategist Dick Morris on Newsmax…

“The phrase is not ‘likely,’ the phrase is dead pipe certain: He’s certain to run, and he is, I believe, certain to get the Republican nomination,” Morris told Sunday’s “Wake Up America.”

“So I think that only Trump can win, but don’t let it bother you DeSantis is not going to run.”

Dick Morris, a political strategist and former Democrat adviser, predicted that Trump will run in 2024.

And he’s saying Trump’s support within the GOP is so strong, there won’t even be a contest. He said Trump will win the nomination by “acclamation.”

He claimed there won’t be even a real primary fight.

When asked about Ron DeSantis, Morris claimed it was only talk. He said some Republicans are “flirting” with the idea that DeSantis will run.

But Morris made it very clear that “only Trump can win this election.”

It might be easy to assume any Republican will win 2024, given how terribly Biden has been performing.

But Biden’s nomination is not a certainty. The man might not even be physically viable in two more years.

The Democrats might nominate anyone to take his place. Will the GOP risk the election by taking a gamble on DeSantis or another person?

Trump won’t even have to work hard to win. All he has to do is point to his record while in office.

The economy was through the roof during his first 3 years. And even during 2020, we were experiencing a rocket-shaped recovery.

All of that has nearly been entirely erased, thanks to Biden’s policies. Yes, he is sure to lose, but Trump has proven he is the right man to take his place.

At least, that’s what Morris seems to think. What about the rest of the country?


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