Kavanaugh Protesters Just Reached A New Low – Kids In Their Neighborhood Are Scared To Leave Their Homes

Democrats, still, are ranting over the overturning of Roe v. Wade (we said they would). Some of the most extreme pro-choice advocates have made it their day job to harass Supreme Court justices, who voted to uphold the Constitution.

These protesters have not left Justice Kavanaugh nor his family alone. And now, they are even ticking off their pro-choice neighbors.

From Fox News:

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s neighbors are fed up with the actions of protesters near their homes as some engaging in pro-choice activism have chosen to personally target residents…

“They just call us fascists,” Lyric Winik, a resident of the neighborhood, told The Post. “Nothing about this is healthy. We’ve got kids on this street scared to leave their homes.”

“I do think they’re hurting their own cause,” she said.

The activists who refuse to leave Kavanaugh’s neighbor are now irritating and harassing his neighbors on top of the constant protesting of the SCOTUS justice Kavanaugh himself and family.

Some of these neighbors are in fact liberal and pro-choice. But even they are getting sick of these extremists, who refuse to leave.

In certain cases, these activists have harassed residents, slandering them for demanding they leave.

Even liberals have been called “fascists” for not wanting strangers to threaten their children.

We knew that liberal activists would not go quietly. But at this point, even supposed allies are getting sick of it.

One neighbor said they are actually “hurting their own cause.” Makes sense.

After all, why would you want to be on the side of people so deranged they are harassing a family?

Radical protesters have gone after Kavanaugh and other conservative justices. In one case, they protested outside of a restaurant, forcing Kavanaugh’s family to flee out the back.

Far-left groups are offering money to people if they expose a justice’s location in D.C. or beyond.

You have to wonder how these groups have the resources and time to do all this?

Can hundreds of activists really afford to stalk justices, instead of getting jobs?

Perhaps they are being bankrolled by people within the DNC?

We can’t be sure, but it’s clear that Kavanaugh’s neighbors are about to kick them out for good.

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