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AOC-Endorsed Candidate Forced To Drop Out – It Turns Out New York Liberal Got Redistricted

Things don’t seem to be going AOC’s way, these days. The woman has been called out for her silly comments and lack of results in Congress.

And now, one of her allies is out for the count. AOC was propping up a far-left socialist to represent a district spanning Brooklyn and Queens.

But now, she is out.

From Fox News:

A progressive Democrat backed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has dropped out of her congressional race, blaming redistricting for denying communities of color an “opportunity for representation.”

Rana Abdelhamid, a Brooklyn-based Muslim activist who was backed by Justice Democrats and supports “Medicare-for-all” and the Green New Deal, announced Tuesday that she was formally withdrawing from the election “because my community and I were cut out of our district.”

Just like every other state, New York was required to draw new congressional maps after the 2020 Census.

And, just like every other state, population changes required New York to make new districts out of the old ones.

This meant that NY-12, a district that spanned two large boroughs, was broken into two new districts, NY-7 and NY-14.

Don’t care? Well, all this means is that a radical activist, Rana Abdelhamid, is no longer able to run for Congress.

The Muslim activist accused New York State of denying “communities of color” “representation.”

That’s pretty hilarious, considering this map was most definitely drawn up by Democrats, including people of color.

As a former New Yorker, I can tell you that breaking one big district into two won’t deny anyone from voting.

Brooklyn and Queens have large minority populations. Making two smaller districts actually gives them more of a voice, since they won’t be lumped together across boroughs.

But when have basic facts get in the way of a progressive rant?

Abdelhamid could still run for Congress. She lives in at least one of those districts, right? But perhaps she fears too much competition from less radical candidates.

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