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After Mayorkas Claims Southern Border Is “Secure,” Texas Trooper Sets The Record Straight: There Is “No Truth In It”

Last week, Department of Homeland Security boss Alejandro Mayorkas turned heads by claiming the southern border was “secure.” This seemed to fly in the face of most statistics compiled in the past year.

Reports show that over 1 million illegal immigrants flooded into the U.S. in 2021, and a more recent update revealed that 13,000 came across in just one week.

Despite this, Mayorkas said that while there’s still “work to be done,” the border is indeed secure.

That didn’t go over well with Republican leaders who say they’ve visited the southern border area, and say it’s anything but secure. And now, One Texas Official Is Also Calling Out Mayorkas For Making A False Statement.

Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Sgt. Marc Couch is part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s “Operation Lone Star,” an initiative that launched in March. It’s designed to “combat the smuggling of drugs and people” into the country.

Couch and his associates have been working hard ever since: the operation has yielded over 225,000 migrant encounters and over 13,000 criminal arrests.

This also includes over 3,500 weapons seized and 289 million deadly doses of the drug fentanyl, which has become increasingly concerning. In the end, Couch told Fox News that the border “Is Not Secure.

He added:

If you’re down here for any length of time whatsoever, you come down and tour these areas, talk to anybody who works down here.

The border is not secure when you’re seeing in the RGV [Rio Grande Valley] sectors mass migration of people who are just wandering across the border.

That is a misnomer of a statement that has no truth in it.

The numbers just keep rising, according to statistics:

DHS sources revealed this week that there have been over 500,000 “gotaways” in the current fiscal year. That’s already more than the 389,155 “gotaways” recorded in Fiscal Year 2021.

We’re on track to break more illegal border jumping records, so it seems odd for the border chief to claim everything is “secure.”

Couch and other Texas authorities are saying precisely the opposite, and they’re having to deal with smugglers who keep getting more “creative” in their tactics. This presents an even stiffer challenge.

As for the fentanyl issue, they’re trying to sound the alarm — since Biden took office, authorities have seized an immense amount at the border. The amount has gone up 30% since Trump was in D.C., in fact.

They say it’s enough fentanyl to “Kill Every Man, Woman, And Child In Our Country Six Times Over.”

Statistics like these make it difficult to believe that the border is secure. And when those who actually police the border say we have a serious crisis, millions of Americans are going to continue to worry.


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