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Kamala Harris Suffers Major Woke Meltdown On Live TV – The Vice-President Just Gave An Eye-Opening Introduction

By this time, we all expect Kamala Harris to embarrass herself in front of the cameras. The supposed successor to Joe Biden seems to be just as bad at communicating as him.

But we really don’t expect her to be this bad. While at a roundtable on abortion, she opens up with the weirdest word salad yet.

From Daily Mail:

Kamala Harris opened up a roundtable meeting Tuesday afternoon with disability advocates by announcing her name, sex, gender identity and what she was wearing.

‘I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit,’ the vice president said at the top of the meeting.

That was just the beginning. When she tried to express her displeasure with the court’s ruling, it sounded like her words were falling down the stairs.

From YouTube:

Users were not kind when Kamala opened up a roundtable discussion by stating her “pronouns” as well as her gender—followed by a description of her suit.

Apparently, she described her clothing, because of the disabled people attending. We’re not sure why they needed to know what the color of her clothing was.

Aside from that, why does anyone need to know her “pronouns” and gender? She’s the “vice president,” right?

Shouldn’t everyone already know she is a woman? This comes off as an attempt to pander to the left, who love to push their “preferred pronouns.”

That was only the beginning of her problems. While trying to condemn the Supreme Court for overturning Roe v. Wade, she fumbled around.

Her comments were hard to decipher, as she mentioned “people” numerous times.

Recently, reports have come out that Harris is the White House’s “face” in the abortion battle. That seems to be because Joe Biden is doing nothing personally about it.

But considering Kamala’s frequent gaffes and bouts of “word salad,” she doesn’t come off as a strong advocate for their side.

Not to mention the fact that the vice president doesn’t have the power to change laws, either federally or at the state level.

This “roundtable” performance is only further proof that she is a child lost in the woods.

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