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Democrats Put Final Nail In The Coffin For Their Own Leaders – Major Spending Bill Promises To Take Out 5 Dems In Midterms

Senate Democrats, including Joe Manchin, betrayed the American public by passing a bill that will raise taxes on most people.

That bill was sent to the House—where the Democrat majority can easily pass it. But as they get closer to passing a spending bill that will worsen inflation and hurt Americans, they doom 5 more of their members.

From Fox News:

The five House Democrats running for re-election in districts won by former President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election face a giant hurdle this week that raises doubts about whether they could survive facing off against their Republican challengers in the November midterm elections.

Democrats are pushing hard to pass their tax and spend bill. They think they can use it as proof Biden is getting something, anything done, before a major midterm cycle.

But they don’t seem to be worried that five Democrats will be in big trouble. If this bill is passed later today, those Democrats will have to go back home and explain why they supported new taxes and spending.

They hail from districts that were won by Trump in 2020. Voters are more inclined to support Republicans, it seems, and won’t be too happy about this bill.

Reports have already indicated that Democrats are facing big losses this November.

Over thirty have already announced retirement, leaving their seats up for grabs. Many believe Republicans will easily retake Congress.

Now, five more Democrats have a difficult task. If they expect to win re-election, can they really sign off on this bill?

Every Democrat in the House is needed to pass this tax bill—since zero Republicans are going to support it.

Pressure from Pelosi and Biden will be intense. These five Democrats will essentially have no choice but to vote yes.

Giving the voters back home good enough reason to kick them out of office.

The red wave might be bigger than expected.


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