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FBI Director Wray Exposed For Seemingly Blatant Misuse – GOP Demands Answers About His Personal Use Of FBI Private Jet

FBI Director Christopher Wray is not the most beloved person in America, right now. Under him and his predecessor, the agency has committed a number of unforced errors—tarnishing its reputation.

That’s especially true now, in light of the shocking raid on Mar-a-Largo.

But Republicans are keeping the heat on the head of the FBI. Some are demanding answers from him about possibly using a private government jet for his own personal travel to the beautiful mountains of the Adirondacks.

From New York Post:

House Republicans demanded Monday that FBI Director Christopher Wray come clean about his personal travel on an official FBI jet, citing The Post’s reporting that Wray cut short a Senate hearing earlier this month so he could head to the Adirondacks for some R&R…

Wray flew to Saranac Lake on Aug. 4 after insisting he had to leave a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing early to catch a flight — heading off questions about whistleblower claims that the FBI shielded first son Hunter Biden from investigations into his foreign business deals…

Grassley tried in vain to force Wray to remain for additional questions, and after the hearing concluded, the senator appeared to elicit from Wray an assertion that he was leaving for official business.

Wow, it must be nice to run the FBI. Republicans were grilling Wray over the agency’s apparent special treatment of Hunter Biden during the 2020 election.

Just then, Wray had to cut the inquiry short so he could catch a flight for “official business.” As it turns out, he flew to the Adirondacks, which is a known vacation spot for him and his family.

The FBI official stated that Wray has never violated any rules and policies. But Republicans aren’t convinced.

It appears that he skirted out of some tough questions, so he could go on a family vacation. And he possibly used government resources for a private trip.

He might not have violated any FBI rules, but it certainly looks bad. This is the same agency that is struggling to justify a raid on a former president’s home.

An agency that is facing backlash over reports it lied about evidence against Hunter Biden, just before the 2020 Elections.

Had an FBI director skipped out on question by Democrat leaders, you know there would have been hell to pay.

Democrats would be demanding his resignation or impeachment—with support from the MSM.

But because it was a group of Republicans questioning him, we’re supposed to be okay with it?


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