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After D.C. Mayor Begs National Guard For Help On Texas Bussing, The Pentagon For A Second Time Decides To Reject Her Request

Talk about liberal entitlement! Democrat mayors are outraged that Texas Gov. Abbott would bus migrants to their cities.

As millions flood the border, D.C. has received a few thousand. The mayor is actually demanding the National Guard come out and help.

But not even the Pentagon is willing to entertain this nonsense.

From Fox News:

For the second time, the Pentagon denied a request on Monday by Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser to activate the National Guard to assist with thousands of migrants who have been arriving in the nation’s capital in recent months…

Defense Department executive secretary Kelly Bulliner Holly wrote in a letter to Bowser on Monday that the D.C. National Guard is not trained to assist migrants and activation would lead to “diminished readiness” for the troops.

This is pretty typical. Bowser is trying to get other people to deal with her problem. That is the left’s MO, these days: get somebody else to do it.

The D.C. mayor twice demanded the National Guard deal with a few thousand migrants sent over by Texas.

Doesn’t D.C. have its own police force? Why can’t they deal with this minor uptick in migrants?

More to the point, why hasn’t Bowser bothered to connect with Texas and work on solutions that help everyone?

She and New York’s Adams only seem to care about the broken border, when it’s affecting their cities.

They didn’t seem to mind when millions of migrants trampled over Texas border communities.

They didn’t seem to mind when fellow Americans suffered at the hands of runaway cars, smugglers, and cartel members.

But only now these Democrats are worried about this situation. Not to stop it, though, just to make it go away from their cities.

Gov. Abbott reached out to both of them, inviting them to see the border. But that would have required Bowser to put aside her partisan bias and work with a Republican.

And that’s not something any liberal is willing to do in this day and age.

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