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After Democrats Celebrate “Flipping 2022 On Its Head’ – Experts Say Bellwether Special Election May Not Indicate Midterm Change

Boy, Democrats are getting desperate, huh? Signs continue to point to massive losses for the left. Yet they are clinging to a chance to win in November, because of one win this week.

From Mediaite:

Politico Playbook proclaimed that Democrats have “flipped 2022 on its head” after a surprise victory in a bellwether special election…

The last poll taken in that race showed Republican Marc Molinaro leading Democratic candidate Pat Ryan by a whopping 8 points, and Ryan hadn’t led in any poll taken for the contest.

But when the votes were cast Tuesday night, Ryan prevailed comfortably, defeating Molinaro by about four points.

This is apparently a “bellwether.” Not because this was a conservative district (the last guy was a Democrat who left to become lieutenant governor) but because polls indicated the Republican would win.

Polls… which are known to be unreliable when it comes to close elections.

But, as usual, Democrats are counting their chickens before they hatch.

From Red State:

But while the district had previously voted for Trump and the Republicans were given a slight advantage in this race, they voted for Biden in 2020 and voted for the Democrat who was vacating the seat by 11 points in 2020. So the result is not out of line with that prior result…

Additionally, Ryan was well-known and previously won election as the executive of Ulster County — the district’s main population center — in a landslide.

Never underestimate the left’s ability to spin… and lie. A Democrat won a largely blue district. And now, the MSM media is claiming this small, special election to be a “bellwether” for 2020.

Forgetting, of course, every other election that night—including every Trump-endorsed candidate winning.

The Democrat who won this New York district had previously won a race for executive of Ulster County by a landslide.

He also claimed to be a moderate (despite his progressive leanings) by promising to increase funding for police.

Another thing to keep in mind is that this race was just to finish a term until January. Redistricting means he will have to run again this November, competing with NY-19 and another politician.

So, is this really a win for the left?

But the dishonest media, who oversimplifies the facts to manipulate voters, will say it is all over for Republicans.

Americans haven’t forgotten how Democrats tanked our economy and helped Biden ruin our country. They haven’t forgotten the last two years.

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