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GOP Plans To Force Democrat Investigations With Smart Strategy

Republicans have promised that, if they retake Congress, they will hold Democrats accountable.

But will Democrats, including Biden’s administration, comply with Republicans’ investigations? Not likely.

So, one Republican plans to use a 146-year-old rule to hold the left’s feet to the fire.

From The Western Journal:

GOP Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona is floating the idea of using the Holman rule, dating back to 1876, to force Biden administration officials to comply with congressional oversight if Republicans retake control of the House and the Senate in the November midterm elections…

“The arcane rule had fallen out of sight for decades, but in 2017 House Republicans revived it to allow any federal bureaucrat’s salary to be cut to $1 in an effort to force spending cuts on agencies or programs unwilling to reduce spending.”

Republican Andy Biggs is thinking about using the Holman rule against Democrats who will refuse to comply with subpoenas.

It’s no secret that Republicans will launch a variety of investigations if they retake the House or Senate after November.

They plan on investigating Joe Biden and his Democrats. But that will require subpoenaing Democrats.

Democrats can easily refuse these subpoenas and be held in contempt of Congress. But it would take Biden’s DOJ to enforce such rules.

Meaning, that Democrats will not testify.

So, Biggs is looking to the Holman rule to require Democrats to respond to their requests for information.

The Holman rule can slash a federal worker’s salary to one dollar. Republicans in 2017 revived the rule.

Biggs believes he can use it to require testimony from Democrats, should Republicans launch investigations in the new year.

He plans on reducing a Democrat congressman’s salary to one dollar if they refuse to comply with a subpoena.

We don’t know if such a tactic is possible. But that is certainly strong motivation for anyone to respond.

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