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Texas Bridge Banner Goes After Hunter Biden

Well, it’s going to get harder for Democrats to keep Hunter Biden’s secrets hidden.

Not only is information more coming out daily on Joe’s son, but a new film is about to debut that exposes him. And the good folks in Texas are spreading the word, in style.

From Breitbart:

With over 4 million views of the trailer, it appears that My Son Hunter has inspired folks in the Lone Star State to spread the word about the highly anticipated movie. The Dallas 1776 Bridge Brigade put up a massive banner on the Northpark Blvd Bridge over Central Expwy (75N), in the heart of Dallas, Texas.

Fans in Dallas unfurled a new banner advertising My Son Hunter, a new film distributed by Breitbart.

The film is a dramatization of Joe Biden’s son and his wild behavior. The trailer received over 4 million views.

The news company is anticipating record views of the film when it is released online on September 7th.

We’ve learned in recent days that the FBI tried to keep Hunter Biden’s closet closed.

Top brass shut down investigations into Hunter’s infamous laptop. And they sent messages to Facebook, convincing the social giant that news about the laptop was “Russian disinformation.”

All of this took place just a month before the 2020 Election.

Even the New York Times was forced to admit they suppressed news of Hunter Biden’s laptop, previously claiming it was untrue.

Only now has the truth come out. Millions of Americans are demanding answers about what Hunter Biden has been doing.

And how much has Joe been involved in his son’s possibly criminal dealings.

The new film will no doubt reach many more people who previously knew nothing about Hunter. And it doesn’t seem the left can do much about it.


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