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Donald Trump Gets His Special Master

Donald Trump won his battle with Biden’s Department of Justice. The federal judge presiding over this case has ordered that the FBI’s documents be reviewed by a special master.

This would ensure that the DOJ does not use privileged material that they had no right to take.

But, surprise, Biden’s DOJ is attempting to overturn this decision.

The Western Journal:

The Biden administration’s Department of Justice is scrambling to prevent transparency about documents seized Aug. 8 when 30 to 40 FBI agents ransacked Trump’s estate in Palm Beach, Florida.

In the latest move, the DOJ on Thursday filed an appeal of U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon’s Monday decision to appoint a special master to review the documents the FBI took during the raid.

The DOJ is trying to get Judge Cannon to put a hold on her decision to appoint a special master. They claimed that if she didn’t, “the government and public also will suffer irreparable harm from the undue delay to the criminal investigation.”

Uh… what? What does that even mean?

The government and public will “suffer irreparable harm” just because a neutral third party will review the many documents they took from Trump’s home?

Including possible documents the government had no right to see?

The DOJ claims that this normal part of a legal process–picking a special master–would cause “undue delay to the criminal investigation.”

So what? It sounds like Biden’s DOJ is trying to railroad this investigation. The fast it goes, the harder it would be for Trump or anyone else to seek justice.

This pushback only appears to underscore this DOJ’s political agenda. Why is it so bad for a special master to ensure protected material isn’t used by the DOJ?

That’s material they were not supposed to seize from Mar-a-Largo in the first place.

Is the DOJ really after documents protected by attorney-client privilege and not just White House documents?

Many believe this investigation was a farce from the start. Another fishing attempt by Democrats to find dirt on Donald Trump–all to stop him from running in 2024.

This move by the DOJ doesn’t help these suspicions. Americans will only question the DOJ more.

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