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Democrats Just Turned On Their Own Midterm Candidate

Democrats face big losses this November. They are going to extreme lengths to save their majority in both chambers of Congress.

But, in a stunning turn of events, they are attacking one of their own. All thanks to some leaked video.

From Fox News:

South Carolina Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Krystle Matthews is facing calls to resign from her own party after controversial comments leaked…

[Matthews] was caught on tape speaking disparagingly of her constituents — specifically White constituents — in a series of remarks secretly recorded by activist group Project Veritas.

“You ought to know who you’re dealing with,” Matthews said during the taped conversation. “You’ve got to treat them like s—. That’s the only way they’ll respect you.”

Well, it looks like the left’s attempt at destroying Project Veritas has failed miserably.

The renowned undercover group released comments from U.S Senate candidate Krystle Matthews.

The Democrat–who is trying to unseat Republican Sen. Tim Scott–slandered her own constituents.

Specifically, the candidate was recorded talking about how she insults white supporters. She even said she treated them “like s***” to get them to respect her.

She even said she treated white supporters badly to get them “under her thumb.”

Wow. I guess this woman never heard Martin Luther’s “I Have a Dream” speech, huh?

The dream of a country where people aren’t judged for the color of their skin hasn’t been realized yet.

At least, not on the left it seems.

This Democrat thinks it’s okay to treat people badly, because of their race.

Perhaps she’s spent too much time reading critical race theory, huh?

But these leaked comments have been so damaging already, that Democrats are calling for her to step down.

We wonder if those white supporters appreciate these comments. Maybe (you never can tell with liberals), but many swing voters in South Carolina won’t.

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