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Biden’s FAA Nominee Just Got Served

Biden has not had the best of luck filling his cabinet. It’s almost two years and key seats are still empty.

Maybe it’s because Biden keeps picking the worst of the worst? His latest nominee might be frozen in his tracks after a search warrant just hit.

From Politico:

Whistleblower allegations involving President Joe Biden’s pick to head the Federal Aviation Administration turned up in a search warrant executed Wednesday by Los Angeles County sheriff’s investigators…

The warrant, which led to a search of County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl’s home Wednesday, includes accusations of favoritism in a $494,000 contract that the county’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority issued to a nonprofit headed by one of Kuehl’s friends. It seeks correspondence among a long list of people including FAA nominee Phil Washington, who headed the transit agency at the time of the contract award, according to a copy of the warrant posted on the sheriff’s website.

Yikes. Is anyone associated with Biden not corrupt?

His pick to head the Federal Aviation Administration has gotten swept up in a search warrant in Los Angeles County.

The case involves County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, who is being investigated for issuing a contract worth $494,000 to a friend.

The warrant names Phil Washington, Biden’s pick, who lead the transit agency when the contract was awarded.

All of this appears to be an ugly feud among California Democrats. At least, that’s how the liberal media is spinning it.

But, call me crazy, but awarding big contracts to buddies stinks of a conflict of interest. That, in most places, might be illegal.

We don’t know what role Washington had in this possible crime. But the fact that his name is on the search warrant means he might get swept up with Kuehl.

Not great for Biden, who picked this guy probably for political reasons and not his qualifications.

Normally, we’re used to seeing search warrants issued on Republicans over politically-biased Democrats.

But, like a broken clock, once and a while corrupt Democrats do the right thing.

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