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Martha’s Vineyard Loses It Over Florida Migrants

The immigration battle is heating up again as Republicans send migrants to blue cities.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis upped the ante by sending 50 aliens to Marth’s Vineyard–a largely rich liberal town made up of almost 90% white people.

Well, those liberals are showing their true colors, now that they’ve been forced to deal with just a few border jumpers.

And the homeless shelter nearby just shocked the country.

From Daily Wire:

Remarks from Lisa Belcastro, the coordinator for Martha’s Vineyard homeless shelter Harbor Homes, went viral Thursday after she was asked about 50 illegal immigrants arriving on the island…

“The difficult challenges are, we have, at some point in time they have to move from here to somewhere else.”

Wow. Martha’s Vineyard is where the ultra-rich of the left go to escape the horrors they’ve inflicted on the rest of us.

Previously, its residents whined about the community’s lack of diversity. It was overwhelmingly white, with homes costing millions of dollars.

But I guess they thought they checked the “diversity box” when Barry Obama bought a house there a few years ago.

Not even the former president welcomed these (only 50) aliens when DeSantis dropped them off.

It seems Martha’s Vineyard shuffled them into the homeless center. Oh, no low-cost housing you can put them in, you guys?

What about all the overpriced bed and breakfasts? Cities like San Antonio had to spend tax dollars putting migrants in hotel rooms.

But the super elite of MV passed the buck onto its homeless shelter.

Almost immediately the coordinator for “Harbor Homes” complained saying these migrants need to “move somewhere else.”

Oh, of course! God forbid Democrats have to deal with the consequences of their own policies.

These are the rich elite who donated big bucks to get Joe Biden elected. But they refuse to deal with the fallout of his open border agenda.

And this just in! Ms. Belcastro got what she wanted.

From Twitter:

Buses have arrived in Edgartown to transport migrants from St. Andrew’s Parish House.

There is one big bus and two shorter buses to transport folks off the island. People with bags are taking selfies and hugging volunteers goodbye

Wow, that didn’t take long. The rich elite of Martha’s Vineyard actually called in the National Guard for help. From the Daily Caller:

Massachusetts is activating 125 national guardsmen to help transport the 50 illegal immigrants who recently arrived at the island of Martha’s Vineyard late Wednesday off the island, Republican Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker announced Friday.

The move to the military base will be voluntary, according to Baker, who noted that Joint Base Cape Cod has previously housed people fleeing Hurricane Katrina

Where are they sending them? To a military base where they will shelter in place for the meantime. They just had to quickly get them far, far away from liberals with their heads in the sand.

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