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After New York AG Sues Trump, Donald Goes Scorched Earth – He Accuses Her Of Failing To Protect Her Own State

President Donald Trump is facing his fair share of hurdles these days. In addition to the ongoing FBI investigation, he’s also being sued by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

The lawsuit involves alleged financial fraud, as James accused Trump’s three oldest children of “manipulating asset values” connected to the Trump organization.

But Now, The Former POTUS Has Responded — And In Typical Fashion, He Didn’t Pull His Punches.

James says the Trump kids are guilty of “false inflation” of the family net worth, which in turn allowed Trump to pay fewer taxes and land better insurance deals and loans.

Trump’s taxes have been discussed for years; the potential scandal broke when he was in office and continued for most of his term. Democrats kept hounding the President’s office on this issue.

For a while now, leftist leaders have accused Trump and his colleagues of being financial “criminals.” This latest lawsuit is just another example of their pursuit.

However, Trump isn’t one to back down and stay silent. In his response to James, he highlighted New York City’s ongoing crime issue. As he stated in a post on Truth Social:

Racist A.G. Letitia ‘Peekaboo’ James, the failed Gubernatorial candidate, is now running second to strong crime fighter MICHAEL HENRY.

This could be a big upset because she has been a terrible A.G. when it comes to protecting the people of New York State.

Murder, Rape, and Drugs are totally out of control-There has never been a more dangerous time than this.

He finished by calling her “grossly incompetent,” then dropped in 5 burning words: “MAKE NEW YORK SAFE AGAIN!!!

This won’t stop James from pursuing the suit, of course, but it shifts the spotlight toward New York’s growing issues.

The lawsuit alleges that Trump’s children broke state and federal law, and demands that Trump, Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka be banned from ever being an officer or directory of any New York corporation.

As for the city in question, Trump is talking about the concerning rise in crime: in July, NYC crime leapt 30 percent year-over-year. Murders were up 34% and grand larceny surged by 40%.

Felony assault was also up 18% compared to the same month in 2021 and overall, New York residents remain worried about these statistics.

Trump maintains that AG James could serve her state better if she focused on these serious issues, rather than pursuing the Trump family. He believes the city’s crime should take precedence.

It’s likely that his followers – and many people in NYC – will agree.

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