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2 Men Robbed, Beat And Threatened To Kidnap Undercover Chicago Police Officer During Drug Sting

Two men robbed, beat, and threatened to kidnap an undercover Chicago police officer who tried to buy $10 worth of drugs during a sting operation. Both of the accused men have multiple felony convictions.

According to CWBChicago: “Campbell, 37, allegedly pulled the officer’s pants down, lifted his shirt, and rifled through his wallet. Prosecutors said he grabbed the cop by the collar and dragged him into the street while telling the man who had taken the officer’s $10 to keep the money and leave.

“As Campbell pulled the officer into the traffic lanes of a nearby street, he yelled, “Kidnap him! Come on! Get in this van,” prosecutors said. Bishop, 33, allegedly grabbed the cop by the neck and chest so he couldn’t leave and pushed the officer toward the van.

“Prosecutors said the cop managed to free himself, and backup units moved in to arrest Campbell and Bishop,” CWB reported.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has lost control of the city and the only thing that can save it is her loss in the next election. One of the most important corporations in Chicago tried to sound the alarm about crime and Lightfoot insulted them.

McDonald’s Chief Executive Officer Chris Kempczinski warned Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot that rising crime was a problem.

He told Lightfoot he can’t get executives to move to the city because of the rising crime. Chris is not alone in this and many other corporate leaders have issued similar warnings. Chris said:

“Everywhere I go, I’m confronted by the same question. ‘What’s going on in Chicago?’ There is a general sense out there that our city is in crisis. The truth is, it’s more difficult today for me to convince a McDonald’s executive to relocate to Chicago from one of our other offices than it was just a few years ago.

“It’s more difficult for me to recruit a new employee to McDonald’s to join us in Chicago than it was in the past.”

“We see every single day in our restaurants what’s happening at society at large.

 “It’s not going to be something that McDonald’s can solve on its own.

“We need to be able to do it with the public sector as well.”

“That’s one of the things about McDonald’s.

“Whatever’s happening in society, good or bad, you can be sure it’s happening at McDonald’s.”

He said he is not moving the headquarters, yet, but implored Lightfoot to make a plan and execute it, “Let us know the plan so we can support it. It’s going to take partnership.”

Lightfoot actually said when asked to respond to Kempczinski:

“What would have been helpful is for the McDonald’s CEO to educate himself before he spoke.”

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