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Biden’s Press Room Erupts in Shouting and Disorder – Reporters Challenge KJP Over Biden’s Walorski Gaffe

What’s Happening:

It’s getting harder and harder for the White House to pretend that everything is okay with Biden.

This week, he had another gaffe. This one was particularly embarrassing.

From The Western Journal:

President Joe Biden attempted to speak to a congresswoman who has been dead for months during a Wednesday event, speaking about Rep. Jackie Walorski as if she were alive and in the room…

“Representative… Jackie, you here? Where’s Jackie?” Biden said at the event, creating the impression he believed Walorski was present in the audience.

Yikes. Biden should have remembered that Rep. Walorski tragically died in a car crash last August.

This triggered a response even from the mainstream media. In the past, White House press secretary Jean-Pierre has been able to brush off questions about Biden’s mental health.

But not this time.

From Daily Caller:

The White House briefing room erupted into chaos Wednesday as press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told a reporter she was being “incredibly rude” when asking about the president’s mental state…

“And, again, he’s going to see her family in just two days, and she was on top of mind. I mean, that is, that is not an unusual scenario there.”

“Karine, I have John Lennon top of mind just about everyday but I’m not looking around for him anywhere,” Newsmax’s James Rosen followed up.

Jean-Pierre brushed off the comment, but questions about Joe Biden’s health came from all corners.

When she insulted a reporter by saying he was being “incredibly rude,” that’s when all hell broke loose.

It appears KJP had a hard time trying to explain why Biden didn’t remember that Rep. Walorski had died over the Summer.

Her attempts at excusing his gaffe only underscored concerns for his mental health. The man is apparently going to visit Walorski’s family in a few days.

So, why on earth would he talk about her as if she was still alive? Maybe it’s because the 79-year-old man is losing his memory, along with everything else?

Jean-Pierre’s response was far from acceptable. For years, Americans have been demanding answers about Biden’s mental health.

Yet his administration is refusing to even acknowledge concerns. We’re supposed just to shut up and pretend like nothing’s wrong?

Even the MSM is asking questions. Biden might not be able to hide this problem for much longer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden makes the worst gaffe yet, forgetting congresswoman tragically died.
  • The White House press secretary struggled to give an excuse.
  • The press room erupted into chaos as she called one reporter “incredibly rude.”

Source: The Western Journal, Daily Caller

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