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Peter Strzok’s Scathing Termination Letter Leaks: “In my 23 years in the FBI, I have not seen a more impactful series of missteps that has called into question the entire organization and more thoroughly damaged the FBI’s reputation”

A draft of a letter sent to ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok in 2018 notifying him of his termination is going viral on social media for all the right reasons.

The letter slams Strzok for bringing “so much discredit to the organization” and said his “repeated selfishness has called into question the credibility of the entire FBI.”

Deputy Director David L. Bowdich wrote: “It is difficult to fathom the repeated, sustained errors of judgement you made while serving as the lead agent in two of the most high profile investigations in the country.

“In my 23 years in the FBI, I have not seen a more impactful series of missteps that has called into question the entire organization and more thoroughly damaged the FBI’s reputation.

“Your sustained pattern of bad judgment in the use of an FBI device has.

“Called into question for many the decisions made during both the Clinton e-mail investigation and the initial states of the Russian Collusion investigation.

“In short, your repeated selfishness has called into question the credibility of the entire FBI.

“As Deputy Assistant Director you were expected to be a leader who was beyond reproach and set an example for not only our direct subordinates, but others throughout the organization who watched and observed your behaviors and actions.

“You failed to do so repeatedly and put your own interests about the interests of the organization.

“Though it pains me to do so, it if for this reason that I am dismissing you from the rolls of the FBI.”

Among the inappropriate text messages to his lover Lisa Page, Strzok said Hillary Clinton “should win 100,000,000 – 0.”

This came while he was working on the Clinton investigation.

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